How to use goatlog

The log manager is the main class you will use in your program to send information to whoever needs it (the master?):

import goatlog.log

log_manager = goatlog.log.LogManager("execution")

LogManager needs one parameter, the name of the logger to be created.

LogManager also accepts an arbitrary number of handlers which will be added to the logger. Existing logging.handlers works, but goatlog provides more useful handlers:

  • RichLogHandler is an advanced log handler able to deal with contexts. This handler produces nothing, but facilitates the creation of other rich log handler like JsonHandler.
  • JsonHandler, inherits from RichLogHandler and produce json.

For instance, if you want to produce both json and display log to stdout:

import sys
import logging

from goatlog.log import LogManager, JsonHandler

log_manager = LogManager("execution",
    logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout), JsonHandler(open("log.json")))

Using it

In the next examples, the log_manager will be instantiated like this:

from goatlog.log import LogManager, JsonHandler

log = LogManager("execution", JsonHandler(open("log.json", "w")))

Simple logging

The Log manager api is very similar to the one in the :wlogging module, so you can use it easily:

log.debug('Debug message')'Info message')
log.warning('Warning message')

It will produce this json file:

    "contents": [
            "message": "Debug message",
            "type": "log.message",
            "severity": "DEBUG"
            "message": "Info message",
            "type": "log.message",
            "severity": "INFO"
            "message": "Warning message",
            "type": "log.message",
            "severity": "WARNING"

Context logging

There are two ways to log contexts, one is using the python context manager (with statement) and the other one is more functional:

Context manager approach

Python provides a context manager (with statement), so this is a natural approach to use it with context logging:

with log.context("step1", "step"):"Message before task execution")
    with log.context("task1", "task")"Message during task execution")"Message after task execution")

Functional approach

Now let’s see how to log some contexts with the functional approach:

log.open_context("step1", "step")"Message before task execution")
log.open_context("task1", "task")"Message during task execution")
log.close_context("task1", "task")"Message after task execution")
log.close_context("step1", "step")

With this approach, you need to close the context yourself, so be sure that you close the last opened context just as you do with xml markers.

Json log file

They both produce this json log file:

    "contents": [
            "type": "step",
            "id": "step1",
            "contents": [
                    "message": "Message before task execution",
                    "type": "log.message",
                    "severity": "INFO"
                    "type": "task",
                    "id": "task1",
                    "contents": [
                            "message": "Message during task execution",
                            "type": "log.message",
                            "severity": "INFO"
                    "message": "Message after task execution",
                    "type": "log.message",
                    "severity": "INFO"

When to use each approach?

First one is the recommended one, it’s easy to use and it will make your logging statements more readable.

But sometimes, it is difficult to use the context manager approach, for instance with a context opened in one method and closed in another one, you should use the second approach in this case.

Finally, you have the choice between the two dependending on the situation, they they do the same thing anyway.

More specific informations

LogManager also contains some additional methods to report more specific informations, they are detailed in the Goatlog API page.

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